//////////////////Boss Hp Stage 1 =2323F (6) {06} Stage 2 =23240 (8) {08} Stage 3 =23241 (11) {0B} Stage 4 =23242 (13) {0D} Stage 5 =23243 (15) {0F} Stage 6-1=23245 (10) {0A} Stage 6-2=23247 (10) {0A} Max (25) {37} & Ram 607 ///////////////////Other Values Ram 5F0 hearts & Ram 5EC limit & Ram 5EB inventory 1016E Life to start (not hearts) 10173 starting inventory 1017A Hearts slots to start (the 6 and other heart graphic won't go down) 101B7 starting inventory at next level 101BE Hearts slots to start at next level 20180 Hearts to start 23D7D inventory after you die 23D82 Heart and slot for after you die 23E78 Life to start after game over /////////////////////////////////////Objects Objects 1-1 example 117B6-117BD = 1 x coordinate & 2 screen position (second byte only) (12121212) 117BF-117C2 = y coordinate 117C4-117CB = 1 subtype primary & 2 subtype second (12121212) subtype 02 D0 = electricity 03 A0 = stage 3 barrier 06 00 = fast bird 06 30 = bat 06 50 = fire that follows you 06 10 = machine gun 08 20 = platform small piece up-down 08 21 = platform small piece up-down 08 28 = platform small piece left-right 08 29 = platform small piece left-right 08 40 = full platform up-down 08 41 = full platform up-down 08 42 = full platform stand 08 80 = platform with balance 08 90 = platform fall down 08 B0 = switch for barrier 0A 60 = boulder fall 12 70 = hot steam (Stage 5) in the game (down,middle,up) [object subtype] 1-1 117C4-117CB 1-2d 117DC-117DF 1-2u 117F5-117FC 1-3 11816-1181F 2-1 none 2-2 11840-11843 2-3m none 2-3d none 2-3u none 2-4 none 3-1d none 3-1u none 3-2u 11878-1187F 3-2m 11893-11898 3-2d 118B5-118C0 3-3 none 3-4u none 3-4m none 3-4d 118DA-118E3 4-1 none 4-2 11924-1192D 4-3d none 4-3m none 4-3u 11943-1194A 4-4u none 4-4d none 4-5 1195B-1195E 5-1 1198A-1198F 5-2u 119A0-119A3 5-2d none 5-3u 119B7-119BC 5-3d 119D0-119D5 5-4u none 5-4m 119E9-119EE 5-4d 119FF-11A02 5-5u none (underground) 5-5d none 6-1 11A22-11A27 6-2d 11A3A-11A3F 6-2m none 6-2u none 6-3 11A4D-11A4E 6-4 boss 1 6-5d none 6-5m none 6-5u 11A82-11A85 6-6d 11AA6-11AAB 6-6m 11A92-11A93 6-6u none 6-7 11ABB-11ABE ///////////////////////////////////////Enemies Enemies 1-1 example 11B34-11B45=1 horizontal position & 2 enemy life and horizontal*page (first bite for life second bite for horizontal*page) (12121212) 11B48-11B50=3 vertical position 11B52-11B5A=4 enemy type types list 00=pink dead guy (2) 01=blue dead guy (3) 02=female archer (2) 03=standing slime attack up (4) 04=walking skeleton (8) 05=guy that jumps with a knife (2) 06=cannon (X) 07=flying drone that shocks you (2) 08=muscle pirate that jumps (5) 09=dead guy with uzi (2) 0A=pirate with sword (2) 0B=spider (4) 0C=dead guy that throws boulders (2) 0D=winged monster (2) 0E=DON'T USE (ERROR) 0F=muscle pirate that stomps (5) in the game (down,middle,up) [enemy type] 1-1 11B52-11B5A 1-2d 11B8E-11B92 1-2u 11B71-11B74 1-3 11BA6-11BA8 2-1 11BC9-11BCB 2-2 11BE5-11BE9 2-3m 11C0F-11C10 2-3d 11C20-11C21 2-3u 11BFC-11BFE 2-4 11C37-11C3A 3-1d 11C6E-11C6E 3-1u 11C5F-11C60 3-2u 11C82-11C84 3-2m 11C95-11C96 3-2d 11CAA-11CAC 3-3 11CBF-11CC1 3-4u 11CD1-11CD2 3-4m 11CE5-11CE7 3-4d 11CF7-11CF8 4-1 none 4-2 11D1D-11D1F 4-3d 11D61-11D63 4-3m 11D4A-11D4E 4-3u 11D2F-11D30 4-4u 11D76-11D78 4-4d 11D91-11D95 4-5 11DA5-11DA6 5-1 11DD2-11DD5 5-2u 11DE2-11DE2 5-2d 11DF2-11DF3 5-3u 11E03-11E04 5-3d 11E17-11E19 5-4u 11E2C-11E2E 5-4m 11E3E-11E3F 5-4d 11E52-11E54 5-5u 11E6D-11E71 (underground) 5-5d 11E8A-11E8E 6-1 11EAB-11EAD 6-2d 11EDF-11EE0 6-2m 11ECD-11ECF 6-2u 11EBA-11EBA 6-3 11EF6-11EF9 6-4 boss 1 6-5d 11F5D-11F5D 6-5m 11F4D-11F50 6-5u 11F36-11F37 6-6d none 6-6m none 6-6u 11F6A-11F6A 6-7 11F80-11F83 ////////////////////////////////////////////////Chests Chests 1-1 example 2FC36-2FC3D = 1 x coordinate & 2 screen position (12121212) 2FC3F-2FC42 = y coordinate 2FC44-2FC47 = chest type type chest 00 = one heart 01 = big heart 02 = diamond 03 = wings boot 04 = heart expand 05 = sword 06 = one life in the game (down,middle,up) [chest type] 1-1 2FC44-2FC47 1-2d 2FC6A-2FC6D 1-2u 2FC54-2FC54 1-3 2FC80-2FC82 2-1 2FC9D-2FC9D 2-2 2FCB0-2FCB2 2-3m 2FCD3-2FCD4 2-3d 2FCE1-2FCE1 2-3u 2FCC2-2FCC3 2-4 2FCFA-2FCFE 3-1d none 3-1u 2FD21-2FD21 3-2u 2FD31-2FD32 3-2m none 3-2d 2FD45-2FD47 3-3 2FD54-2FD54 3-4u none 3-4m 2FD67-2FD67 3-4d 2FD79-2FD7A 4-1 none 4-2 2FD9B-2FD9B 4-3d 2FDA8-2FDA8 4-3m 2FDB8-2FDB8 4-3u 2FDA8-2FDA8 4-4u 2FDDD-2FDDD 4-4d 2FDEC-2FDEC 4-5 2FE02-2FE05 5-1 2FE2A-2FE2A 5-2u 2FE37-2FE37 5-2d 2FE44-2FE44 5-3u 2FE51-2FE51 5-3d 2FE61-2FE62 5-4u 2FE6F-2FE6F 5-4m 2FE7C-2FE7C 5-4d 2FE89-2FE89 5-5u 2FE9F-2FEA2 (underground) 5-5d 2FEB5-2FEB7 6-1 2FED3-2FED4 6-2d 2FEE1-2FEE1 6-2m 2FEF1-2FEF1 6-2u 2FF02-2FF04 6-3 2FF19-2FF1C 6-4 boss 1 6-5d 2FF5E-2FF60 6-5m 2FF6D-2FF6D 6-5u 2FF7D-2FF7D 6-6d 2FF98-2FF98 6-6m none 6-6u 2FF8B-2FF8B 6-7 2FFB1-2FFB5